Weekly Bulletin, February 26, 2015
Posted by Richard Garcia
on Mar 02, 2015
- In two weeks, our meeting will be held on TUESDAY, March 10, instead of our regular Thursday evening meting. It will be a joint meeting with the Rotary Club of Hudson and will be held at Nancy’s Airfield Café.
- Ron Bott stated that plans to form an Interact Club at Nashoba Regional High School are moving along. Twenty six high school students joined us at the Stop Hunger Now event February 7. These students stayed after the event and met with some of our club members to discuss the formation of an Interact Club. They will be meeting soon to elect officers.
- The Gift of Life child, Gabriel, is making progress after a recent setback. He developed some fluid in his lungs and is now back at Children’s hospital. They hope he will be released in a week.
Happy/Sad fines:
- Carol was glad to back from her trip.
- Val was happy her daughter had successful back surgery.
- The Doyles, who last saw us at the visioning session, were happy to be back with us again.
- Laura was happy to be back from Florida.
- Natascha was happy that she just bought a house on the Cape.
- Mary was happy that we celebrate our club’s third birthday tonight.
- Jim Fusco was happy his grandson just turned 7 years old.
- Ray was happy he had gone skiing.
- Karin was happy to be here with the members of the club.
- Don was happy that he recently lost 18 pounds.
- Brian was happy that our club is 1095 days old.
- Carl was happy that this club has given him a new lease on life.
- Bob was happy that RYLA applications will be completed in a few days.
- Dan was happy he was free this Thursday and able to attend.
- Jim was happy that it is the club’s third birthday.
Check Presentation
Richard S. along with Mary Ann F. and Chris S. presented a $3,000 check to Yvonne A. for the RFK school ropes course. Yvonne was grateful to accept the check that resulted from our club‘s application for a District grant. The ropes course will be started in March and an opening ceremony will occur in June.
Foundation Minute:
Chris reminded us that our contributions to the Rotary Foundation were what make all of our grants possible and that each member’s share is $120.00. Also an automatic withdrawal of $85 per month would make you a Paul Harris member with a $1000 contribution. He distributed forms to participate in this program.
Celebration of our club’s third birthday
- Awards were given to all the Charter members of the club.
- Karin and Ron put on a skit: A Walk Down Memory Lane. Based on actual events, but not restricted to them, they enacted the conversations that led up to the formation of our club and dreamed and planned about all the things the club could be.
- Mary gave Ron and Karin some token gifts of thanks for all they did to get our club started and set it on such a successful path.
Guest Speaker: Symphony Pro Musica
We had the chance to hear about this wonderful orchestra, whose musical Founding Director is Mark /Churchill. The organization is 32 years old and is comprised of many local talented musicians who enjoy performing. This regional nonprofit provides affordable musical concerts to the community four times a year. We had the pleasure of hearing flautist, Daniel, a Pro Musica member, play 2 solos to us. The next concert is March 21st.
The meeting closed with members and guests enjoying a slice of birthday cake in celebration of our third anniversary.
Next meeting
- When: Thursday, March 5 at at 7:30 am.
- Where: Colonial Candies, 47 Sugar Road, Bolton
- Program: Lynn Johnson, Up With Arts; A nonprofit organization created to promote cultural activities in Hudson and surrounding communities.