Laura Spear was installed as President for the 2013-2014 year. 


Karin Gaffney presents the Club Charter to incoming President, Laura Spear.


No meeting on July 4.  Instead, enjoy the 4th of July holiday!

Guests: Bob Cassidy, Past District Gov; Dean Benedict, Assistant Gov; Rosario Rizzo, President elect Concord; Mark Munnicci, Pres elect Fitchburg East; Gino Frattalone, Lisa Trainor, Hector Constantzos

No fines.

Club Announcements: President Karin started the meeting with several announcements:

  • Join us for Wings and Wheels tonight hosted this week by the Rotary Club of Maynard.
  • Pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to the weekly meeting reminder since meeting times and locations are changing for the summer. NO meeting on the 4th of July. Rotary of NV will host Wings and Wheels on July 11th. Next REGULAR weekly meeting is the morning of July 18th.
  • RYLA takes place this weekend. Please join us at Worcester State University – volunteers are still needed.

Induction of New Members: President Karin and Nanci Bishop installed two new members to the club, Kelly Buttiglieri and Mary Ann Fitzgerald. This brings the total membership to 29.

Lisa Trainor announced that she will be re-joining the club – induction date TBD.

Karin’s Gift to the Club and Summary of her Presidential Year:  Karin then presented the club with a gift to congratulate them on all of their accomplishments in the previous year – a large framed wall hanging with all of the awards that the club won at District Conference. Karin summarized the achievements, mentioning specifically the Peace Event in September of 2012, Purple Pinkie Day and the money raised for polio, and the club’s awesome international project, We Are One, noting that thanks to Richard Simon and his committee, the club is $2,450 away from its fundraising goal. Next Karin gave recognition and presented a plaque to Laura Spear as Rotarian of the Year for all of her incredible support to the club and to Karin, allowing the club to achieve all that it did. Especially of note was Laura’s amazing organization of the Reality Fair.

Installation of New President, Laura Spear: PDG Bob Cassidy then installed Laura Spear, her officers and board for the 2013-2014 year. He used a variety of different candles to symbolize the unique light that we each bring to the club.


Photo: President, Laura Spear; President Elect, Richard Simon; Sergeant at Arms (Evening Meetings) Cyndi King; Sergeant at Arms (Morning Meetings), Ashley Phelps; Bob Cassidy, PDG

Laura then offered remarks around her plans for the coming year – her big theme – KEEP THE ENERGY GOING!

Karin ended the meeting by thanking all who attended for their support and especially thanked Nancy McPherson for the wonderful breakfast enjoyed by all at this special meeting.