Weekly Bulletin - July 18, 2013 Meeting
Club Assembly, Laura Spear, President, and RYLA students share their experiences at the June RYLA Conference
Next meeting on July 25 at the Stow Library at 5:45 p.m., Christy Barbee speaks about C4RJ (Communities for Restorative Justice)
RYLA Students Speak about Their Experiences at the June RYLA Conference
This is the third year that our club has sent high school sophomores to the RYLA Conference.
First, Adam said that it was a fun weekend. He met new people and they became friends. The activities were fun and helpful. The event was organized and well run. The food was good. His favorite activity was Breaking Barriers, during which the students broke 1-inch thick pieces of wood with their hands. The leader of this activity told the students that they can break through barriers that keep them from their goals. Adam would like to go to next year’s RYLA Conference as a group facilitator.
Olivia could not be at the meeting but in her thank you letter, she wrote that her favorite event was Literary Baseball, a public speaking activity during which students were not allowed to say “um” or “ah” or “like” or make a long pause during their speech. After three strikes, the student was “out.” Olivia also liked the Breaking Barriers and Survival Course activities.
Club Assembly: President Laura
Laura told us that her overarching goal for her presidential year is, “keep the momentum going!” To achieve this goal, she listed the following objectives:
- Earn the 2013-2014 Presidential Citation award
- Go for Best Club award for the second year in a row
- Get at least 5 new net members
- Be able to fund donation requests, other clubs’ projects, club banners
- Sponsor and support projects that serve the local community as well as the world
- Complete our global grant project (We Are One dental mission) and implement our district grant project (support DVSN in creating a boutique that will raise funds for their Lawyer for a Day program)
- Reach EREY (every Rotarian every year): showcase value of Rotary projects
- Obtain 501(c)3 tax classification
- Have fun!
- Make sure that every member of our club sees value in being part of this group and gets something out of membership
Laura also gave us the 2013-2014 calendar of activities for our club with events scheduled to date. We are a busy club!
Ron gave us copies of the club’s June 30, 2013 balance sheet and profit and loss statement then gave us an overview of our club’s finances.
RichardS gave us an update about the We Are One project. First, he asked Mary to tell us about the third issue of the "We Are One Newsletter" that she wrote. There are several stories and pictures highlighting the progress of this project in this excellent newsletter. Next, RichardS explained that our fundraising goal is $17,500. So far, 20 Rotary Clubs are participating with funds either donated or pledged. RichardS is optimistic that our goal will be met. If we exceed our goal, the funds will be used for additional dental equipment for the mobile dental clinic. Next month, Richard and Fatima are going to the Dominican Republic for a week with a dental team from Tufts University Dental School. During this week the Tufts team will have a dental clinic that will be able to serve approximately 200 people. RichardS and Fatima will meet with our partner club in Santo Domingo. RichardS announced that Tufts is now an official sponsor of the We Are One project. Tufts wants to support our project because it has sustainability; it’s not a one time project.
Laura reported on Wings & Wheels. We have 20 sponsors and have raised $8,200 to date. After expenses, each of the participating clubs (Nashoba Valley, Acton-Boxborough, and Maynard) would each receive $2,267 if Wings & Wheels stopped now. There are still seven Wings & Wheels events remaining so the net proceeds for each club should increase. Laura also reviewed the weather cancellation policy and advised us to check our emails after 3 p.m. on our nights as host (August 1 and 22) as well as the website official website www.wingsandwheelsma.com. Signs will be put out at the Minute Man Air Field notifying people when the event is cancelled.
Club Announcements: President Laura made the following announcements:
- The weekly District Newsletter has a new format. Instead of a long PDF document, the new version will have short stories with links to more information.
- There has been lots of flooding in Alberta, Canada and the local Rotary club is looking for donations http://goo.gl/VGVBO.The new Rotary International CD of all clubs, officers, where they meet, etc. is available if anyone wants to borrow it from Laura.
Happy/Sad Fines
- Laura was happy that today is the first morning meeting of our club in her presidential year
- Bob was happy about the upcoming Bolton Fair
- Barbara was sad that her father died
- Jim was happy that his 93 year old Dad was getting out of rehab
- RichG was happy about the week he spent with his wife, Mary, celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary
- Mary Ann, Chuck and Richard were happy about the visits they recently had with their grandchildren
Non Club Announcements:
- The Bolton Fair takes place over the August 9 through 11 weekend
- The Healing Gardens is looking for someone to be their new Director of Development. Contact Laura for further information.