Posted by Leigh Carpenter on Aug 22, 2018
Caroline Tocci tells our Club about Vanessa Marcotte and how their foundation is honoring her.
Guests included members of the Vanessa T. Marcotte Foundation.  Vanessa’s cousin Caroline Tocci, mother Rossana Marcotte and Aunt Diega Therrien
President Welcome
  • Thank you to all who helped at the Spirit of Hudson!!  Despite fears, the weather did not keep people away!
  • Jacky thrilled with Spirit of Hudson (SOH)
  • Mary is proud of Jacky and all she is doing as President, and also loved SOH
  • Trudy enjoyed SOH and found it “interesting”
  • Nanci shared that SOH was “crazy and unbelievable.”  Her brother attended but didn’t even see him it was so busy
  • Bob was disappointed that the rain kept people away from the Bolton Fair and is concerned what will happen since they raise only ¼ of goal
  • Steve reminded fokls Global Grant deadline for ideas is 8/30.
  • Leigh is excited to have started weight watchers a month ago and is down 8.5 pounds.  She also welcomed family of Vanessa Marcotte as she lives down the street from where the tragedy happened
  • Carolyn’s “middle guy” is off to New Haven and excited for the new build in Acton (celebration scheduled for 8/23 and all are invited)
  • Rich is “just plain happy”
  • Mary Ann was sad to have missed SOH but had a wonderful ‘39th’ birthday outing with family, also happy to be here for Vanessa Marcotte (she introduced Vanessa’a family)
  • Howard enjoyed SOH and was impressed by how long the lines were.  Thanks to Steve & Richard for their help at Sudbury Food Collection event.
  • Fatima was sad to have missed SOH but had a great time with a full house of grandkids
  • Ray enjoyed the SOH as well and was impressed by the student helpers from Worcester.  He was also happy to have met Repair Café lead from NY for the first time in person.
  • Social Service (Fatima needs a helper).  Fatima reminded us to RSVP for the District Governor and Social on 8/23 at Nanci’s.  Event will be 6:30-8.  Bring your questions for Steve, DG
    • Jacky shared an upcoming service will be to support RFK students starting in September and the Gazebo build.  More details to come.
  • Foundation (Rich) – The foundation fund is large but always needs to be replenished to support Peace Fellowships, Grants, Scholarships and more.
  • Global Grant chair -  Steve shared that a new element of Global Grants will be a community needs assessment in the country where help is proposed
    • Fundraising –
      • Spirt of Hudson has around 2,200 people and raised approx.. $20,000 per club. 
      • Board still to vote on ideas presented from ideas committee
    • Membership – Nanci is helping Ron.  There will be a new member orientation meeting on 9/5, although all are welcome.
    • Scholarship – Howard is looking for committee members to help interview next spring, ideally 2 men and 2 gals.  Board renews $2500 to NRHS and increased Minuteman Tech scholarship from $500 to $1,000
    • Interact – Carolyn has been in touch with Megan, President of the Club and waiting for a response from school principal
    • PM social meeting with DG, August 23rd – See Jacky's email with link to rsvp
    • Lowell Spinners – End Polio Event, August 24th
    • District Interact Day, September 15th
    • Sept 29th – Repair Café -Bolton – Sign Up through RCNV Website
    • October 20th – Repair Café – Sudbury - Sign Up through RCNV Website
    • Rotary Means Business, Auburn, September 26th
    • Veterans Breakfast, November 12th
    • Guatemala Stove & Water Trip, March 23-30th
    • Habitat for Humanity Golf Fundraiser @ Shaker Hills, September 18th (see Carolyn Read for info or click here)
    • Healing Garden Ride to Thrive, October 14th (See Leigh for details or click here to register)
    • Our club helps pay for registration fees, see Jacky for details
Speaker – Caroline Tocci from Vanessa T. Marcotte Foundation
Vanessa Marcotte was killed in Aug 2016 in an act of violence while out for a walk on a Sunday afternoon in Princeton MA while visiting her family.  A male has been arrested and charged with murder.  In January 2017, Vanessa’s family and friends established the Foundation with the mission to empower women to live boldly and fearlessly.  Their hope is that one day, we will live in a world where women live free from objectification and harassment.  They strive to achieve this goal through education and advocacy on gender equality (working with boys & girls, men & women) and safety awareness.
Caroline shared staggering statistics about harassment and that the foundation is working to understand why objectification and harassment happens to so many young girls and women.  They have invested in several local organizations to break those habits of men and boys, and to empower women.  One example:
Girls, Inc, Worcester –partnership focuses on two of their after school programs, Project BOLD and Media Literacy. The programs are designed for girls between ages 9-14. Project BOLD focuses on violence prevention, conflict resolution skills, and self-defense. Media literacy teaches young girls the tools they need to critically examine the harmful gender stereotypes the media portrays. By learning to analyze the media's messages, girls are equipped to challenge and redefine gender biases prevalent in our society. With these critical safety awareness and media literacy skills, we believe girls will be able to live boldly and fearlessly.   Additionally, the work with boys in a safe space to converse about what it means to be “masculine.”
Other ways to be involved, participate in one of their self defense classes (Mary Ann attested to its’ importance).
Join a team for next year's Falmouth Road Race (raised $25,000), Annual 5k Run/Walk at Wachusett Mountain in June, or make a donation
Visit their website to read about Vanessa, for more details on how to be involved, the case for support.