Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley Wins Awards, including Best Club
At the 2013 Rotary District 7910 conference held on May 17-20, 2013, the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley received 12 awards, including the top honor of Best Club in the District. Comprised of 54 clubs, District 7910 serves central Massachusetts. The Nashoba Valley club serves the communities of Lancaster, Bolton, and Stow and is also the district’s newest club, chartered in February 2012.
At the 2013 Rotary District 7910 conference held on May 17-20, 2013, the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley received 12 awards, including the top honor of Best Club in the District. Comprised of 54 clubs, District 7910 serves central Massachusetts. The Nashoba Valley club serves the communities of Lancaster, Bolton, and Stow and is also the district’s newest club, chartered in February 2012.
“I am thrilled and honored that our club has been recognized for the work we’ve done over the past year,” said Karin Gaffney, club president. “Our members truly give life to the Rotary motto, Service Above Self.”
In addition to Best Club, the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley received the Rotary Presidential Citation award and district awards for Community Service (Richard Simon), Membership Growth, International Service, Youth Service, Peace, and the Unsung Hero award (Dana Gray). The club is in Zone 32, comprised of 21 districts and 36,586 members, and received zone awards for Peace Through Service, New Generations, Community Service, and Public Image. In March, the club previously won two district public relations awards, including the premier Make Your Mark award for the club that had the most impact on public relations during the calendar year 2012.
The awards were in recognition for the projects that the club sponsored in the past year, including a financial Reality Fair at Nashoba Regional High School, a community presentation on domestic violence to benefit the Domestic Violence Services Network, a mobile dental clinic in the Dominican Republic, donations of baby clothing to Warm Hearts of Stow, Opening Day at the Stow Council on Aging, dictionaries for third graders in Lancaster, Purple Pinky Days in Lancaster and at the high school for polio eradication, and scholarships for the Rotary youth leadership conference, among others.
The club always welcomes visitors, new members, and new service projects. It meets the first, third, and fifth Thursdays of the month at 7:15 AM at the Houghton Building in Bolton, and the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 5:45 PM at Nancy’s Air Field Café in Stow.
For more information about the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley, contact or visit and