In partnership with Clinton Savings Bank and the Guidance Office, the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley once again sponsored our annual financial Reality Fair at Nashoba Regional High School on the morning of Friday, April 7th. More than 200 10th graders selected a career and starting salary. On the day of the fair, they received a monthly paycheck (with deductions!) to purchase life's necessities, such as housing, transportation, insurance, clothing, and food. They were also tempted with nice-to-have purchases such as concert tickets, vacations, and pets! Students also tooka chance to spin the wheel of fortune to reflect unplanned income or expenses that happen as a part of life. Please consider volunteering and contact Carolyn Read at carolyn.read@yahoo.com to sign up next year!
You can see last year's volunteer handbook to learn more about what the students will purchase and can find the 2022 volunteer handbook on nashobarotary.com in the Download section.
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